Coyote in the early darkness . . .

coyote wikimedia 5Coyote in the early darkness loping around in the shadows. Perhaps he got lost on our winding neighborhood streets and couldn’t find his way back to the golf course. Stops and turns as if to say, “Hey, you looking at me?”

Dogs in their fenced yards barking like crazy. “You get out of here coyote, or me and my buddies are going to whip your butt!”. Or maybe “Mom, let me in for cripesake! There’s a freaking coyote out here!!”

I see a little silhouetto of a Bison . . .

bison on hill med
Pronghorn antelope blending in with the pale dry landscape.
Big wide open vistas.
Purple mountain majesties rising in the distance.
Forests of windmills on the ridge.
Miles and miles of miles and miles.

And the sillouette of a black bison high on a hill at the Colorado border.

Welcome to Wyoming.